Children's Mental Health | Em Karimifar


Children's Mental Health

Design systems, Visual design, Brand strategy

Client: University of Texas System

Role: Lead designer & UI/UX Engineer

Team members: UX Researcher, Junior designers

Children's Mental Health

The Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium (TCMHCC) was established in 2019 by the 86th Texas Legislature. Its goal is to use the knowledge and resources of higher education health institutions to tackle pressing mental health issues and enhance the mental health care system for children and adolescents in the state.

As the design lead on the project, I was responsible for creating the brand, developing a guideline, and a website for this new state initiative.


One of the challenges in designing the TCMHCC brand was balancing the official appearance expected from a state-operated service while also distinguishing it from other state services that often rely on a standard logo featuring the state map and additional elements.

In their project brief, the executive committee requested visual depictions of Texas, mental health, and tele-health technologies.

I have also created a brand guideline that other designers within over 14 partner institutions have employed to produce diverse design materials.

Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium Logo concept 1 Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium Logo concept 2

Two final logo concepts presented to the executive committee

Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium final logo presentation A page from TCMHCC brand guideline showcasing the logo lockup rules

Left: approved logo presented in color variations.
Right: a page from TCMHCC brand guideline showcasing the logo lockup rules.

Some pages of TCMHCC brand guideline booklet

Some pages from the brand guideline book developed for the Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium.

Examples of print materials designed by the 14 institutions accross Texas

Examples of print materials designed by the 12 participating institutions accross Texas.


With an agile approach towards the design of the website, I developed a simple static website when the initiative was launched. But soon after and with the growth of the initiative, we felt the need for a comprehensive UX research and redesign of the website using a content management system.

I designed and developed a custom Wordpress theme for the final website which is actively used by an average of 200 users per day to date.

Screenshot showing the first static website designed for online presence of the initiative A page from TCMHCC brand guideline showcasing the logo lockup rules

Left: the first static website designed for online presence of the initiative.
Right: the custom Wordpress theme designed after a thorough UX research.

Image showing 4 personas created after user research

The four persona groups identified as the main audience of the website after user research.

The proposed sitemap for the website

The proposed sitemap for the website

High-level wireframes developed for the main template pages

High-level wireframes developed for the main template pages

A screenshot showing the prototypes developed for different pages in Adobe XD

The prototypes developed for the main pages in Adobe XD.

A screen capture showing the final landing page of the TCMHCC website in use

The final landing page in use. Accessible on